My heart, which is so full to overflowing, has often been solaced and refreshed by music when sick and weary. Use this quote
We can only move to a long-term resolution regarding terrorism and war by planting seeds of peace. We have to start with ourselves. Use this quote
I think sometimes my humor is extremely dry, and a lot of times I would say things that I thought were very funny but... I have a reputation of - people think of me as a very fundamentalist, humorless fellow. Use this quote
Lila can't be a model until she's at least 21. She is already a mini-me - it is scary. She already has her own beauty kit. Use this quote
Every book you pick up has its own lesson or lessons, and quite often the bad books have more to teach than the good ones. Use this quote
Where globalization means, as it so often does, that the rich and powerful now have new means to further enrich and empower themselves at the cost of the poorer and weaker, we have a responsibility to protest in the name of universal freedom. Use this quote
I met the president when he was president-elect at a meeting in Austin. He spoke of his faith. He spoke of his desire for a compassionate conservatism, for a faith-based initiative that would do something for poor people. Use this quote
I have a need to make these sorts of connections literal sometimes, and a vehicle often helps to do that. I have a relationship to car culture. It isn't really about loving cars. It's sort of about needing them. Use this quote
I have no doubt but that the misery of the lower classes will be found to abate whenever the Government assumes a freer aspect and the laws favor a subdivision of Property. Use this quote