What seems to be generosity is often no more than disguised ambition, which overlooks a small interest in order to secure a great one. Use this quote
To command is to serve, nothing more and nothing less. Use this quote
Art, as far as it is able, follows nature, as a pupil imitates his master; thus your art must be, as it were, God's grandchild. Use this quote
There is no force so powerful as an idea whose time has come. Use this quote
What the world really needs is more love and less paper work. Use this quote
The reason is that they define how I have gone about my business. I have trusted to intuition. I did it at the beginning. I do it even now. I have no idea how things might turn out, where in my writing I might go next. Use this quote
I have great faith in fools; self-confidence my friends call it. Use this quote
There's a lot of thought in art. People get to talk about important things. There's a lot of sex, you know, in art. There's a lot of naked women and men, and there's intrigue, there's fakery. It's a real microcosm of the larger world. Use this quote
The power of the lawyer is in the uncertainty of the law. Use this quote
Religion is not a popular error; it is a great instinctive truth, sensed by the people, expressed by the people. Use this quote
If you wish to be a success in the world, promise everything, deliver nothing. Use this quote
I've made a promise to myself to be a 100% healthy person if nothing else. Use this quote
It's a life's journey of finding ourselves, finding our power, and living for yourself, not for everyone else. Use this quote
So, President Obama wants to change America. I understand that. We don't need to change America. We need to change the White House. We need to change the leadership in the White House. Use this quote
Liking money like I like it, is nothing less than mysticism. Money is a glory. Use this quote
Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men. Use this quote
I think I might actually die of showing off. It'll be on my headstone - 'Cause of Death: Showing Off.' Use this quote
I know nothing about technology. Use this quote
I like to see myself as a bridge builder, that is me building bridges between people, between races, between cultures, between politics, trying to find common ground. Use this quote
The duty of man is the same in respect to his own nature as in respect to the nature of all other things, namely not to follow it but to amend it. Use this quote