Music is nothing else but wild sounds civilized into time and tune. Use this quote
I think ultimately I make people happy: Whether I'm doing the stage show, giving somebody a makeover, or designing clothing, the end goal is to make people smile. Use this quote
Dreams are the seeds of change. Nothing ever grows without a seed, and nothing ever changes without a dream. Use this quote
Politics is not really my thing. Use this quote
I've never had my brows done - I tweeze them myself. I used to watch my mom pluck her brows, that's how I learned. Use this quote
Wine hath drowned more men than the sea. Use this quote
Marriage, a market which has nothing free but the entrance. Use this quote
But I think funny and talent will always win out; I mean, of course there are hurdles, but I think if you're funny you will get over all of that. Use this quote
A God without dominion, providence, and final causes, is nothing else but fate and nature. Use this quote
Know then this truth, enough for man to know virtue alone is happiness below. Use this quote
Maybe you will be afraid and maybe you will fail, but the courage to take risks in any part of your life is, I feel, a very worthwhile way to live. Use this quote
The problem is when you are writing something in retrospective, it needs a lot of courage not to change, or you will forget a certain reality, and you will just take in consideration your view today. Use this quote
Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting. We allow them to disperse because we've been ignorant of their value. Use this quote
The dreams which reveal the supernatural are promises and messages that God sends us directly: they are nothing but His angels, His ministering spirits , who usually appear to us when we are in a great predicament. Use this quote
Treaties, agreements and organizations to help settle disputes may be necessary, but they often favor the interests of business over citizens. Use this quote
In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes. Use this quote
There is nothing more important than a good, safe, secure home. Use this quote
So, President Obama wants to change America. I understand that. We don't need to change America. We need to change the White House. We need to change the leadership in the White House. Use this quote
One can find women who have never had one love affair, but it is rare indeed to find any who have had only one. Use this quote
I know I'm not known as method. By nature I'm not a brooder. What I continue to use is a mixture of the English school, which is traditionally outside-in, and the more American way of working from the inside out. Use this quote