I don't like painting flowers in my music. I like painting guts and pain. Use this quote
None but a poet can write a tragedy. For tragedy is nothing less than pain transmuted into exaltation by the alchemy of poetry. Use this quote
If I don't need the money, I don't work. I'm going to spend time with my family and friends, and I'm going to travel and read and listen to music and try to learn a little bit more about how to be a human being, as opposed to learning how to be somebody else. Use this quote
A friend of mine has a big farm in the desert, and she picks up feathers and roadkill for me, then makes it into clothes. I think it's cool to wear roadkill. If I died and somebody wanted to wear my teeth around their neck to VMAs, I'd feel honored. Use this quote
I was very successful from a very early age, and I want to keep it. Use this quote
Politeness is the art of choosing among your thoughts. Use this quote
I liked a lot of the things other people liked - Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, Van Halen, AC/DC - but if I compared it to my dad's music, there just seemed to be elements missing. Use this quote
My mother was predominately a stay-at-home mom. Use this quote
Beauty in distress is much the most affecting beauty. Use this quote
Musicians don't respect a lot of the stuff that is on TRL and a lot of musicians think that stuff on the radio is not good musically so when musicians say that they like us it obviously feels good. Use this quote
We have peace with God as soon as we believe, but not always with ourselves. The pardon may be past the prince's hand and seal, and yet not put into the prisoner's hand. Use this quote
It is just called Continuing Legal Education. You can go to lectures, you can even listen to tapes on airplanes - they want you to stay current. So you do have to stay current to maintain your license even if you are not practicing. Use this quote
I quit high school on my birthday. It was my senior year and I didn't see the point. This was 1962, and I was ready to make music. Use this quote
I tried a dozen different modifications that were rejected. But they all served as a path to the final design. Use this quote
So if diva means giving your best, then yes, I guess I am a diva. Use this quote
After my tour I had time to stay at home, be with my boyfriend and hang out with friends and that brought me down to earth and helped me write music from a more relaxed place. Use this quote
Music is about communication... it isn't just something that maybe physically sounds good or orally sounds interesting; it's something far, far deeper than that. Use this quote
I want to go out at the top, but the secret is knowing when you're at the top, it's so difficult in this business, your career fluctuates all the time, up and down, like a pair of trousers. Use this quote
Dreams do come true, even for someone who couldn't speak English and never had a music lesson or much of an education. Use this quote
I don't listen to my own music at home. Use this quote