There are always new things to experience, internalize then write about. This process is ongoing with me. It never stops. The opportunity to reach new audiences with all of the music that we have made is thrilling. Use this quote
Music commands how we feel, dictates what we experience in our feelings. Use this quote
Everyone discusses my art and pretends to understand, as if it were necessary to understand, when it is simply necessary to love. Use this quote
I sought my father in the world of the black musician, because it contained wisdom, experience, sadness and loneliness. I was not ever interested in the music of boys. From my youngest years, I was interested in the music of men. Use this quote
Hip-hop is more about attaining wealth. People respect success. They respect big. They don't even have to like your music. If you're big enough, people are drawn to you. Use this quote
To separate children from others of similar age and qualifications solely because of their race generates a feeling of inferiority as to their status in the community that may affect their hearts and minds in a way unlikely ever to be undone. Use this quote
I also try to eat as much raw food and clean food as possible. Use this quote
Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that's where it's really at. Use this quote
There are millions of people who consume music illegally every month. Just getting them into a legal service will make the music industry way bigger than it's ever been before. Use this quote
Secretary of War Stanton used to get out of patience with Lincoln because he was all the time pardoning men who ought to be shot. Use this quote
Music and politics are in essence about communication. Without over-stretching the analogy I do feel a sense of rhythm is important in getting your message across. Use this quote
I didn't have nothin' going for me... school, home... until I found something I loved, which was music, and that changed everything. Use this quote
I was taught when there's somethin' you can change around keep quiet, you got nothin' to complain about. Use this quote
I take a lot from everywhere. I take from music, architecture, novels, and plays. Anywhere that hits you. Use this quote
I hope my music sets up the platform for me to be able to do lots of things - to have a cowboy-boot line, maybe, or do a perfume or makeup deal. Use this quote
Just knowing that through my music I actually inspire people is amazing for me and I find it very heartwarming. Use this quote
I haven't lost faith in human nature and I haven't decided to be less compassionate to strangers. Use this quote
When I see a bird that walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck. Use this quote
I try to show what it is about language and music that enthralls, because I think those are the two elements of poetry. Use this quote
The high-spirited man may indeed die, but he will not stoop to meanness. Fire, though it may be quenched, will not become cool. Use this quote