Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality. But, of course, only those who have personality and emotions know what it means to want to escape from these things. Use this quote
Great hearts steadily send forth the secret forces that incessantly draw great events. Use this quote
The quarrels of lovers are the renewal of love. Use this quote
In France, everyone speaks French 'cause they think it's cool. Gives 'em, gives 'em an excuse to smoke. Use this quote
I think there is a great deal of interest still in the Christian faith. Use this quote
Unlike then, the mail stream of today has diminished by such things as e-mails and faxes and cell phones and text messages, largely electronic means of communication that replace mail. Use this quote
Indeed, the whole human species is endangered, by nuclear weapons or by other means of wholesale destruction which further advances in science are likely to produce. Use this quote
They say geniuses mostly have great mothers. They mostly have sad fates. Use this quote
We are trying to remake Vietnamese society, a task which certainly cannot be accomplished by force and which probably cannot be accomplished by any means available to outsiders. Use this quote
In a finite world this means that the per capita share of the world's goods must steadily decrease. Use this quote
Life has got a habit of not standing hitched. You got to ride it like you find it. You got to change with it. If a day goes by that don't change some of your old notions for new ones, that is just about like trying to milk a dead cow. Use this quote
You know, one wonderful thing that came out of my Enquirer experience is that, in my case, it was ruled tabloids are magazines. Which means they didn't have the protection that a newspaper has. Use this quote
I'm scared to death of being poor. It's like a fat girl who loses 500 pounds but is always fat inside. I grew up poor and will always feel poor inside. It's my pet paranoia. Use this quote
Affirmative action has a negative effect on our society when it means counting us like so many beans and dividing us into separate piles. Use this quote
Failure doesn't mean you are a failure it just means you haven't succeeded yet. Use this quote
The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for among old parchments or musty records. They are written, as with a sunbeam, in the whole volume of human nature, by the hand of the divinity itself; and can never be erased. Use this quote
Freedom means the freedom to behave coarsely, basely, foolishly. Use this quote
Perfection of means and confusion of ends seem to characterize our age. Use this quote
The time has come to tell the truth about the corruption of the government employee unions in this country. Use this quote
All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work. Use this quote