I'm not a size 0, and I'm nowhere close to it. But, I don't want anyone to know what I am so I like to design clothes so you don't know what's going on under there. Use this quote
I have a fantastic relationship with money. I use it to buy my freedom. Use this quote
Early One Morning takes time and, I mean, all things like that I felt were very important. Use this quote
For me, insanity is super sanity. The normal is psychotic. Normal means lack of imagination, lack of creativity. Use this quote
If you get a diagnosis, get on a therapy, keep a good attitude and keep your sense of humor. Use this quote
I adored Mickey Mouse when I was a child. He was the emblem of happiness and funniness. Use this quote
More freedom means more jobs... less government and less taxes. Use this quote
I have a very long relationship with America. My mother grew up there and I felt to some extent that I partly belong there. I was schooled there briefly for about a year. Use this quote
The business of America is business. Use this quote
I remember when humor was gentle pokes. I used to call it 'arm around the shoulder' humor. Now they go for the jugular and they take no prisoners. It's mean, mean stuff. Use this quote
Ofttimes the test of courage becomes rather to live than to die. Use this quote
A little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion. Use this quote
In France, everyone speaks French 'cause they think it's cool. Gives 'em, gives 'em an excuse to smoke. Use this quote
I am grateful for - though I can't keep up with - the flood of articles, theses, and textbooks that mean to share insight concerning the nature of poetry. Use this quote
If I ever completely lost my nervousness I would be frightened half to death. Use this quote
The people who have really made history are the martyrs. Use this quote
Too many problem-solving sessions become battlegrounds where decisions are made based on power rather than intelligence. Use this quote
I do not want the peace which passeth understanding, I want the understanding which bringeth peace. Use this quote
I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence but it comes from within. It is there all the time. Use this quote
People recognize certain things, like 'D' means 'this dialogue stinks.' We're dealing with shows that are written here, shot in New York and posted back here. Accurate communication is a necessity. Use this quote