A homely face and no figure have aided many women heavenward. Use this quote
I'm a sappy mom now. I didn't think I would be. I thought I'd be a cool mom who keeps everything in perspective. Use this quote
Love is anterior to life, posterior to death, initial of creation, and the exponent of breath. Use this quote
I am poor and naked, but I am the chief of the nation. We do not want riches but we do want to train our children right. Riches would do us no good. We could not take them with us to the other world. We do not want riches. We want peace and love. Use this quote
Music is more difficult - try naming a political band. The Dead Kennedys. The Dead Kennedys are political, but they are more funny than they are political. Use this quote
I would love a family. I'm at the age where the wish for a child gets stronger. But who knows. Use this quote
I have been overcome by the beauty and richness of our life together, those early mornings setting out, those evenings gleaming with rivers and lakes below us, still holding the last light. Use this quote
Yes, I still love 'South Park,' but I also love morning TV now. Use this quote
I'd love to travel to the Holy Land. Use this quote
We love life, not because we are used to living but because we are used to loving. Use this quote
The problem is that the Iraqi people are facing atrocities from both sides - Zarqawi and also the American troops at times. The Zarqawi groups uses car bombs, the Americans use other bombs. You also know what they do in the prisons. Use this quote
The one thing I learned the most about acting is it takes a tremendous amount of courage to go there and stand still. It takes courage and guts to step out of your mind frame and depict something. Use this quote
I'm not a big fan of romantic comedies, believe it or not. Use this quote
Love is the magician that pulls man out of his own hat. Use this quote
While writing my first 90 books, I was magazine editor, publisher, book publisher, executive, etc., so I was established in publishing. three of my seven or so books were biographies of sports stars and really opened doors for me in that area. Use this quote
My mom is a sculptress. Use this quote
People here in Los Angeles are disgusted now about a sex scandal involving Arnold Schwarzenegger. Apparently for seven years, he carried on a sexual relationship with his own wife. Use this quote
It's wonderful to be in love. And it's definitely wonderful to cuddle and have sex and get to experience life with somebody. But it's OK if you don't find him and you're 24. You can find it someday. Use this quote
I'd love to do a movie where the monster is human, where the issue is not otherworldly, or horror or science fiction. Use this quote
My dad is kind of a rascal, like in a Dickensian sense. He just goes from career to career. Use this quote