The prospect of music being detachable from time and place meant that one could start to think of music as a part of one's furniture. Use this quote
Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them. Use this quote
I've declined every congressional benefit I could decline, federal health insurance, the retirement program, the 403(b) program, which I think is overly generous. I've got self-imposed term limits of six terms if I have the privilege to serve that long. Use this quote
To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men. Use this quote
I once bought an old car back after I sold it because I missed it so much and I had forgotten that it never ran. It was a British racing car. You know, because I just wanted it back. I could only remember what was good about it. Use this quote
In economics, hope and faith coexist with great scientific pretension and also a deep desire for respectability. Use this quote
Informed decision-making comes from a long tradition of guessing and then blaming others for inadequate results. Use this quote
For me, the highest level of sexual excitement is in a monogamous relationship. Use this quote
I love tour, but I don't like traveling at night or driving long hours. But I love touring. If my kids could be out there full time, I'd probably never go home. Use this quote
Sometimes in politics, you think you've seen it all. Turns out I was wrong. Use this quote
Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world. Use this quote
As long as I have the support and respect of my teammates, that's all I can ask for. Use this quote
Stories in which the destruction of society occurs are explorations of social fears and issues that filmmakers, novelists, playwrights, painters have been examining for a long time. Use this quote
In the 20 long, hungry years between my late teens and late 30s I bought in to virtually every new diet and/or exercise regime that hoved into view, particularly at this most vulnerable time for those of us prone to poor body image - a new year. Use this quote
The only thing Martha and I have in common is that we both used to model. Martha Stewart is extremely talented. Her designs are picture perfect. Our philosophy is life is messy, and rather than being afraid of those messes we design products that work the way we live. Use this quote
Canadians can easily 'pass for American' as long as we don't accidentally use metric measurements or apologize when hit by a car. Use this quote
I'm launching my own festival in South Wales. It's something I've wanted to do for a long time. It's going to be held at Margam Park, because I wanted the venue to be as close to my home as possible. Use this quote
In today's world, it is no longer unimaginable to think that business can operate - and even thrive - in an environmentally-friendly manner. Use this quote
As soon as laws are necessary for men, they are no longer fit for freedom. Use this quote
There is no road too long to the man who advances deliberately and without undue haste; there are no honors too distant to the man who prepares himself for them with patience. Use this quote