I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well. Use this quote
I try to do the right thing with money. Save a dollar here and there, clip some coupons. Buy ten gold chains instead of 20. Four summer homes instead of eight. Use this quote
These days I'm mostly familiar with two parts of L.A.: one is movie culture, and the other is Asian culture. The Westside is work, and the Eastside is Chinese - which means my friends. Use this quote
A purpose, an intention, a design, strikes everywhere even the careless, the most stupid thinker. Use this quote
This life is worth living, we can say, since it is what we make it. Use this quote
Ah! how annoying that the law doesn't allow a woman to change husbands just as one does shirts. Use this quote
Mum loves me being famous! She is so excited and proud, as she had me so young and couldn't support me, so I am living her dream, it's sweeter for both of us. It's her 40th birthday soon and I'm going to buy her 40 presents. Use this quote
The principles of living greatly include the capacity to face trouble with courage, disappointment with cheerfulness, and trial with humility. Use this quote
My being gay was something of not great interest to me. Use this quote
I believe we should encourage children to sing and play instruments from an early age. Use this quote
We must not permit our respect for the dead or our sympathy for the living to lead us into an act of injustice to the balance of the living. Use this quote
Society honors its living conformists and its dead troublemakers. Use this quote
Our goals for this nation must be nothing less than to double the size of our economy and bring prosperity and jobs, ownership and equality of opportunity to all Americans, especially those living in our nation's pockets of poverty. Use this quote
There is no value in life except what you choose to place upon it and no happiness in any place except what you bring to it yourself. Use this quote
The great living experience for every man is his adventure into the woman. The man embraces in the woman all that is not himself, and from that one resultant, from that embrace, comes every new action. Use this quote
The cause of justice is the cause of humanity. Its advocates should overflow with universal good will. We should love this cause, for it conduces to the general happiness of mankind. Use this quote
When I was in New York, I was making a living. We had a summer house and a car that I could put in a garage. That's something for a stage actor. Use this quote
For me, art is always a kind of theater. Use this quote
Toy Soldiers was my introduction to film. I certainly didn't think I was doing art by any stretch of the imagination. Use this quote
Women today are dealing with both their independence and also the fact that their lives are built around finding and satisfying the romantic models we grew up with. Use this quote