At the risk of sounding hopelessly romantic, love is the key element. I really love to play with different musicians who come from different cultural backgrounds. Use this quote
There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative. Use this quote
I have very little respect for Nancy Reagan. There is something about her that is very petty. Use this quote
I am bound to add that the excess in too little has ever proved in me more dangerous than the excess in too much; the last may cause indigestion, but the first causes death. Use this quote
I could never have pictured myself writing a book when I was 25 years old. My mom was an English teacher but I wasn't that way growing up. Use this quote
You feel a little older in the morning. By noon I feel about 55. Use this quote
Ego is a social fiction for which one person at a time gets all the blame. Use this quote
It gives me great pleasure indeed to see the stubbornness of an incorrigible nonconformist warmly acclaimed. Use this quote
To be satisfied with a little, is the greatest wisdom; and he that increaseth his riches, increaseth his cares; but a contented mind is a hidden treasure, and trouble findeth it not. Use this quote
The advice I am giving always to all my students is above all to study the music profoundly... music is like the ocean, and the instruments are little or bigger islands, very beautiful for the flowers and trees. Use this quote
In every tyrant's heart there springs in the end this poison, that he cannot trust a friend. Use this quote
I felt I couldn't be a good mom anymore, but I didn't want my children to grow up without a mom. I felt I had to end our lives to protect us from any grief or harm. Use this quote
I often feel very guilty because of the time that I spend outside of my home and the little time that sometimes I have for my kids. Use this quote
To be a liar, you've got to have a great memory, and I don't have a memory. Use this quote
I went and took golf lessons so Dad would let me play with him. I was just terrible... but I was able to have a wonderful time just walking around with Dad. I can see the real pleasure of that game. Use this quote
We worship an awesome God in the Blue States, and we don't like federal agents poking around our libraries in the Red States. We coach Little League in the Blue States and have gay friends in the Red States. Use this quote
My dad's probably one of the kindest people in the world. When I was younger that's not how I was- I was a little spoiled brat. Use this quote
I don't like war. I particularly don't like the celebration of war, which I think the administration is a little bit guilty of. Use this quote
Music has a poetry of its own, and that poetry is called melody. Use this quote
The three main sources of scepticism are first, that not every people desires freedom; second, that democracy in certain parts of the world would be dangerous; and third, that there is little the world's democracies can do to advance freedom outside their countries. Use this quote