I was proud to share the stories of my friends at Georgetown Law who have suffered dire medical consequences because our student insurance does not cover contraception for the purpose of preventing pregnancy. Use this quote
The first legislation that I produced relating to the Internet was a bill to overturn a restriction inside of the law that prohibited the Internet backbone from being used for anything other than research and scientific and educational communication. Use this quote
The intelligence investigation under the leadership of Senator Church, which I know has helped cause this investigation by you, points out that the agencies did not disclose certain facts to us and that certain plots were going on. Use this quote
They don't need a lawyer, they need a toastmaster. Use this quote
People do not win people fights. Lawyers do. Use this quote
Beauty is but the sensible image of the Infinite. Like truth and justice it lives within us; like virtue and the moral law it is a companion of the soul. Use this quote
If Christianity is not scientific, and Science is not God, then there is no invariable law, and truth becomes an accident. Use this quote
Catholicism is a wide tent in terms of political and legal positions. We could have nine Catholics on the Supreme Court and a great deal of diversity toward the law. Use this quote
Nothing is more memorable than a smell. One scent can be unexpected, momentary and fleeting, yet conjure up a childhood summer beside a lake in the mountains. Use this quote
President Obama's health care law raided Medicare in the tune of five hundred million dollars to create a new program. Use this quote
We must safely secure our border by investing in more law enforcement and technology, and receiving cooperation from the Mexican government. Use this quote
Doctors are just the same as lawyers; the only difference is that lawyers merely rob you, whereas doctors rob you and kill you too. Use this quote
Information is the oxygen of the modern age. It seeps through the walls topped by barbed wire, it wafts across the electrified borders. Use this quote
As actors, we deal with rejection so much more than any other business. So I don't care how much of a genius you are, if you don't have the propensity to be able to get back up every time you get knocked down, then you're not going to survive. Use this quote
Under President Obama's new health care law, Medicaid will become a very different health coverage program than first envisioned. Use this quote
Wal-Mart doesn't really care about your faith. Wal-Mart cares if you have money to spend, and it is going to be as generic as possible in exploiting the holiday season for every buck it can make. Use this quote
What makes community organizing especially attractive is the faith it places in the ability of the poor to make decisions for themselves. Use this quote
The point of departure of the process to which we wish to contribute is the fact that war is the natural reaction of human nature in the savage state, while peace is the result of acquired characteristics. Use this quote
By that I mean, I think that it is true that politics and political heroes have to satisfy our need to be greater than mortal in some way, and that's led them into creating illusions, sound bites, focus groups that tell you what to do. Use this quote
When I started Netscape I was brand new out of college and all the aspects of building a business, like balance sheets and hiring people, were new to me. Use this quote