Fortune and love favor the brave. Use this quote
Yes, we're still five little people with a noisy attitude. Use this quote
Love cannot save you from your own fate. Use this quote
I'm every bourgeois nightmare - a Cockney with intelligence and a million dollars. Use this quote
Outside of the chair, the teapot is the most ubiquitous and important design element in the domestic environment and almost everyone who has tackled the world of design has ended up designing one. Use this quote
Personally, I rather look forward to a computer program winning the world chess championship. Humanity needs a lesson in humility. Use this quote
Let freedom reign. The sun never set on so glorious a human achievement. Use this quote
Greed is a basic part of animal nature. Being against it is like being against breathing or eating. It means nothing. Use this quote
But today we become aware of other readings of the human experience very quickly because of the media and the speed with which people travel the planet. Use this quote
It is this conception of the unity of the human career which is perhaps the greatest achievement of historical study, since it gained a place analogous to that of natural science. Use this quote
Provincial governments in Canada have terminated the positions of marriage commissioners who have, for personal religious convictions, not performed same sex marriages. It has happened in Saskatchewan. Use this quote
Give a child love, laughter and peace, not AIDS. Use this quote
Part of our essential humanity is paying respect to what God gave us and what will be here a long time after we're gone. Use this quote
Nothing has done more to separate and divide human beings one from another than exclusivist organized religion. Use this quote
The man who has sufficient power over himself to wait until his nature has recovered its even balance is the truly wise man, but such beings are seldom met with. Use this quote
Joy, rather than happiness, is the goal of life, for joy is the emotion which accompanies our fulfilling our natures as human beings. It is based on the experience of one's identity as a being of worth and dignity. Use this quote
'Vote Love' means vote equality. It means vote change. It means vote what's right for humanity. Use this quote
Sometime they don't let you know that they know that they don't know everything, but the core of the medical approach is that you try to identify pathologies, which are subsystems within the human body or the larger system that are having undesirable consequences. Use this quote
Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. Use this quote
God is one, but he has innumerable forms. He is the creator of all and He himself takes the human form. Use this quote