I want babies. I think I'll be a great dad. Use this quote
As a mom, I always feel I have to protect them. I talk about them because they are the most important things in my life but they are private people. I won't use them for my own press. Use this quote
I think that the best career that someone can have is one that's reflective of their personal tastes. Use this quote
When you go in and do a cool, small character, it feels less like work and more like fun. Use this quote
More and more couples are having this negotiation or discussion, but I'm still amazed at the number who aren't and where the cultural norm sort of kicks in and they just assume that mom's got to be the one who stays home, not dad. Use this quote
My parents always made education and school the number one priority. They believed that an education is the best gift you can give to your child. Use this quote
I record all of my music with authentic instruments in a studio before we start editing, doing many, many versions. The music shapes the film as we edit so it has an organic relationship to the content. Use this quote
What matters poverty? What matters anything to him who is enamoured of our art? Does he not carry in himself every joy and every beauty? Use this quote
I'm a home cook and love to read about food, but I'm not trained as a chef. I'm just really into cooking and passionate about it. Use this quote
A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body. Use this quote
The state of my poor boy's health prevents me from leaving home for a night. Use this quote
Instead of going out to dinner, buy good food. Cooking at home shows such affection. In a bad economy, it's more important to make yourself feel good. Use this quote
Disease generally begins that equality which death completes. Use this quote
I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework. Use this quote
My dad and I played music. He teaches me a song or two every time I'm home. Use this quote
I think a primal role of a man in a relationship is to protect his woman. Use this quote
You know they say the most dangerous person of the world is a member of the United States Congress just home from a three-day fact-finding trip. Use this quote
Cubism was an attack on the perspective that had been known and used for 500 years. It was the first big, big change. It confused people: they said, 'Things don't look like that!' Use this quote
I'm a real Suzy Homemaker. Use this quote
The first time you hold your baby in your arms, I mean, a sense of strength and love washes over you. It washed over me and I never thought that possible. Use this quote