For me, I'd rather have an intense experience than not. Use this quote
I've just got crap hair. Although I inherited a lot of stuff from my dad, including giant knees, I didn't get his good, thick hair. I got my mother's thin, wispy, non-event hair instead. Use this quote
Our children are obese, either have or being threatened by diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and not socially adjusting properly to others because of a lack of fitness. Use this quote
A suburban mother's role is to deliver children obstetrically once, and by car forever after. Use this quote
A gentleman is simply a patient wolf. Use this quote
After 'Skins' I became mildly famous, which was a bit of a disaster. Use this quote
If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him. Use this quote
I told my father I had to try political science for a year. He thought I was throwing my life away. Use this quote
I once said to my father, when I was a boy, 'Dad we need a third political party.' He said to me, 'I'll settle for a second.' Use this quote
My parents were amazing people who had no business being together - and they knew it. Use this quote
I hesitate to predict whether this theory is true. But if the general opinion of Mankind is optimistic then we're in for a period of extreme popularity for science fiction. Use this quote
Is it harder having kids and working? It definitely is, but the payoff is you get to go home to your kids, and it all balances out. And I know I'm a better mother when I'm engaged in something outside of the house. Use this quote
I'm very old-fashioned in some ways because of my father, who thought that being a public servant was an honor. Everyone must find a capacity in which they can serve, because we all benefit from society. Use this quote
A women's greatest asset is her beauty. Use this quote
Poetry is a special use of language that opens onto the real. The business of the poet is truth telling, which is why in the Celtic tradition no one could be a teacher unless he or she was a poet. Use this quote
You make your first album, you make some money, and you feel like you still have to show face, like 'I still go to the projects.' I'm like, why? Your job is to inspire people from your neighborhood to get out. You grew up there. What makes you think it's so cool? Use this quote
Virtue is simply happiness, and happiness is a by-product of function. You are happy when you are functioning. Use this quote
Whether the aim is in heaven or on earth, wisdom or wealth, the essential condition of its pursuit and attainment is always security and order. Use this quote
Every man's life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another. Use this quote
A man that does not know how to be angry does not know how to be good. Use this quote