Proclaim human equality as loudly as you like, Witless will serve his brother. Use this quote
Nothing so conclusively proves a man's ability to lead others as what he does from day to day to lead himself. Use this quote
Behind all their personal vanity, women themselves always have an impersonal contempt for woman. Use this quote
When you have got an elephant by the hind legs and he is trying to run away, it's best to let him run. Use this quote
Great grief does not of itself put an end to itself. Use this quote
The Peace Corps is an outstanding organization that promotes peace through helping countless individuals who want to help build a better life for the community in which they serve. Use this quote
The intoxication of anger, like that of the grape, shows us to others, but hides us from ourselves. Use this quote
Religious wars are not caused by the fact that there is more than one religion, but by the spirit of intolerance... the spread of which can only be regarded as the total eclipse of human reason. Use this quote
Stone walls confine a tinker; cold iron binds a witch; but a musician's music can never be fettered, for it lives first in her heart and mind. Use this quote
Theist and atheist: the fight between them is as to whether God shall be called God or shall have some other name. Use this quote
I have very little respect for Nancy Reagan. There is something about her that is very petty. Use this quote
My dad came from Cuba when he was a teenager not speaking English. And I grew up here speaking Spanglish. That's the world in which I grew up, and that's a world in which a lot of second generation immigrants find themselves. Use this quote
My father was the guy on the block who said hi to everyone. Use this quote
I don't trust liberals, I trust conservatives. Use this quote
Our records, if you have a dark sense of humor, were funny, but our records weren't about comedy. They were about protests, fantasy, confrontation and all that. Use this quote
I have long enjoyed the friendship and companionship of Republicans because I am by instinct a teacher, and I would like to teach them something. Use this quote
My mother thinks I could have even run a larger company. Use this quote
Presidents quickly realize that while a single act might destroy the world they live in, no one single decision can make life suddenly better or can turn history around for the good. Use this quote
As a father, my first priority is to help my sons set and attain personal goals so they will develop self-confidence and individual strength. Engaging in regular fitness activities with my children helps me fulfill those responsibilities. Use this quote
Robert Walker as Bruno was excellent. He had elegance and humor, and the proper fondness for his mother. Use this quote