Society attacks early, when the individual is helpless. Use this quote
I believe that no matter what you do in life, if you learn the basics through theater, it will help you in everything else - problem solving, communication, discipline, all of that stuff. Use this quote
Smoke the pipe of peace, bury the tomahawk, and become one nation. Use this quote
This whole head of the home thing has been blown way out of proportion. Some guys just take it way too far. Some parents take it way too far. Yet children need guidance. They need a parent to help and guide them. They also need a friend. They need a confidant. Use this quote
I stupidly ignored education completely. I found it dull and I preferred to cause chaos and have fun. I regret this massively now. Use this quote
Kai-Fu's Innovation Works is the top very-early-stage fund in China. We are proud to be an investor, and hope that IW will help to produce in China companies on the scale of Facebook, Zynga, or Groupon. Use this quote
If China is helping its domestic industries charge an artificially low price for solar panels and other environmental goods, then China is violating international trade rules that it agreed to when it became a member of the World Trade Organization. Use this quote
I like to sing around the bonfire, in my car and in the shower. Use this quote
Yes; quaint and curious war is! You shoot a fellow down you'd treat if met where any bar is, or help to half-a-crown. Use this quote
You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old. Use this quote
I will do my best. That is all I can do. I ask for your help - and God's. Use this quote
I think my dad has helped me tremendously. Use this quote
I intend to leave after my death a large fund for the promotion of the peace idea, but I am skeptical as to its results. Use this quote
I have found there are four steps to change. 1. You must want it. 2. You must believe it. 3. You must live it. 4. You will become it. Use this quote
One day my dad would say, 'OK, if you want to play tennis I can help you out.' And that's how it started. And I had a goal. I wanted to beat my mom first. And my parents and my brother. And that was the ultimate goal. Use this quote
I remember, my mom didn't have any help, so if she needed to be somewhere after school, we'd just go down to the neighbors' and she'd give us a snack and make sure we did our homework. There weren't any latchkey kids. Use this quote
Money is just the poor man's credit card. Use this quote
I write the way you might arrange flowers. Not every try works, but each one launches another. Every constraint, even dullness, frees up a new design. Use this quote
Nuclear power will help provide the electricity that our growing economy needs without increasing emissions. This is truly an environmentally responsible source of energy. Use this quote
The integrity of men is to be measured by their conduct, not by their professions. Use this quote