Sympathy is two hearts tugging at one load. Use this quote
I got a telegraph from my mother who said that my step-father had had a heart attack, come home and earn a living. So I went back to England and the only thing I knew to earn any cash was through hairdressing. Use this quote
There is nothing that so much gratifies an ill tongue as when it finds an angry heart. Use this quote
Acceptance is not love. You love a person because he or she has lovable traits, but you accept everybody just because they're alive and human. Use this quote
The players wanted more money, higher salary caps and they didn't have that family relationship we felt with the players. Mentally, the players were more businesslike. Use this quote
If you aren't good at loving yourself, you will have a difficult time loving anyone, since you'll resent the time and energy you give another person that you aren't even giving to yourself. Use this quote
The beauty of this country and what people participate in is the competitive nature that we allow to exist and the fact is that we are better because we have great competitors. Use this quote
Everywhere I go I buy new music shirts. Use this quote
There is a wisdom of the head, and a wisdom of the heart. Use this quote
A kiss makes the heart young again and wipes out the years. Use this quote
It is love, not reason, that is stronger than death. Use this quote
The heart of marriage is memories; and if the two of you happen to have the same ones and can savor your reruns, then your marriage is a gift from the gods. Use this quote
For me beauty is valued more than anything - the beauty that is manifest in a curved line or in an act of creativity. Use this quote
The best way to navigate through life is to give up all of our controls. Use this quote
If you want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out. To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it. Use this quote
If you look deep enough you will see music; the heart of nature being everywhere music. Use this quote
If by chance some day you're not feeling well and you should remember some silly thing I've said or done and it brings back a smile to your face or a chuckle to your heart, then my purpose as your clown has been fulfilled. Use this quote
Child labor and poverty are inevitably bound together and if you continue to use the labor of children as the treatment for the social disease of poverty, you will have both poverty and child labor to the end of time. Use this quote
It is because the body is a machine that education is possible. Education is the formation of habits, a superinducing of an artificial organization upon the natural organization of the body. Use this quote
I'm hopeless with money; I simply spend what I've got. Use this quote