The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret. Use this quote
Science arose from poetry... when times change the two can meet again on a higher level as friends. Use this quote
The thing with me is, if I wake up one morning and I'm not happy working as an actress, I'll stop. It's not something I have to do. It's not a vocation. Use this quote
One of the sanest, surest, and most generous joys of life comes from being happy over the good fortune of others. Use this quote
One of the things I would have loved to have had was a family that worked better together, although I love my mother and father to bits. Use this quote
How unhappy is he who cannot forgive himself. Use this quote
Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right. Use this quote
As a matter of fact I don't like politics. I really don't. I think it's so jaded now and everybody has to follow the party line. Use this quote
Hey, I'm a Catholic deer hunter, I am happy to be clinging to my guns and my religion. Use this quote
Through teaching myself how to be happy and get through things, I hope I can also do that for other people. Use this quote
Anyone that has a job that takes them away from home, I think, can understand the difficulties in maintaining consistency, not only with your family and those you love but with your friends. Use this quote
I find a lot of inspiration in street style and watching women walk, the way they wear things and what they're wearing. Use this quote
With the help of dedicated Americans from our party, every party, and no party at all, I intend to mount that stairway to preach peace for our nation and world. Use this quote
Marriage is a risk; I think it's a great and glorious risk, as long as you embark on the adventure in the same spirit. Use this quote
I have just come from a couple of raids, where we had a very lively time, and some of them had to pull their guns. I found it necessary to punch a few sports myself. Use this quote
My actions to promote peace, the mediation missions which I carried out during many conflicts, which very often occurred between brothers of the same country, are not driven by any ulterior motives or any calculations based on personal ambitions. Use this quote
When I was a new mom, I used to think that life was going to be balanced, and I strived for that. But life is crazy! Use this quote
Whoever is happy will make others happy too. Use this quote
Well, honey, I had the million dollar houses, I had the car, I had the horse, I had the barn; I had everything. Was I set free? I didn't even know what that meant. Use this quote
Today, I'm very happy about myself, because I realized my dreams. I learned how to understand what people want. Use this quote