If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time - a tremendous whack. Use this quote
Golf has an ambivalent relationship with the environment. On one hand, it's a great preserver of open spaces. Golf doesn't pave the world - it helps to green the world. But the downside is, it uses a lot of fertilizer, pesticides and water. Use this quote
We looked at each other standing on the podium, and I think we all were tearing up. But we had to keep it cool. I think we did. Then we let out a breath. Use this quote
A funny thing happens in real estate. When it comes back, it comes back up like gangbusters. Use this quote
In fact, the best thing we could do on taxes for all Americans is to simplify the individual tax code. This will be a tough job, but members of both parties have expressed an interest in doing this, and I am prepared to join them. Use this quote
It's funny when people say, 'I don't think Julia likes me.' Honey, if I don't like you, you're going to know about it. Use this quote
You know, be an actor because you love to act. Don't be an actor because you think you're going to get famous, because that's luck. Use this quote
I used to lie in bed in my flat and imagine what would happen if there was a zombie attack. Use this quote
A lot of fun stuff happens when you go out on a bike compared to when you're in a car. You're more in the environment. It's enjoyable. Even when It's raining It's still fun. Use this quote
The land is ours. It's not European and we have taken it, we have given it to the rightful people... Those of white extraction who happen to be in the country and are farming are welcome to do so, but they must do so on the basis of equality. Use this quote
A study of the history of opinion is a necessary preliminary to the emancipation of the mind. Use this quote
I happen to dig being able to use whatever mystique I have to further the idea of peace. Use this quote
You know, be able to do something great in your life, you're gonna have to realize your failures. You're gonna have to embrace them and figure out how to overcome it. Use this quote
Art is the close scrutiny of reality and therefore I put on the stage only those things that I know happen in our society. Use this quote
It is a horrible fact that we can read in the daily paper, without interrupting our breakfast, numerical reckonings of death and destruction that ought to break our hearts or scare us out of our wits. Use this quote
It's funny what a few no-hitters do for a body. Use this quote
The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I, therefore, intend to oppose the effort to increase America's debt. Use this quote
Love is the expression of one's values, the greatest reward you can earn for the moral qualities you have achieved in your character and person, the emotional price paid by one man for the joy he receives from the virtues of another. Use this quote
And I know this happens because I took economics, and I'd explain it to ya, but I flunked that course. Not my fault. They taught it at 8 o'clock in the morning. And there is absolutely nothing you can learn out of one bloodshot eye. Use this quote
The highest prize in a world of men is the most beautiful woman available on your arm and living there in her heart loyal to you. Use this quote