I don't worry about being in a hurry any more, because my faith in God will always deliver me on time. Use this quote
After World War II great strides were made in modern Japanese architecture, not only in advanced technology, allowing earthquake resistant tall buildings, but expressing and infusing characteristics of traditional Japanese architecture in modern buildings. Use this quote
Marc Jacobs is full of creative people and Louis Vuitton is again a name on the door, a name that has existed for many years but I'm a collaborator there and I bring in other people, other artists and I work with a great creative design team. Use this quote
I'm a mom - I'm lucky if I get to shower in the morning. Luckily, nail polish stays on my toes. I've been so bad on the upkeep, though. Use this quote
The digital camera is a great invention because it allows us to reminisce. Instantly. Use this quote
Space is the breath of art. Use this quote
That's a central part of philosophy, of ethics. What do I owe to strangers? What do I owe to my family? What is it to live a good life? Those are questions which we face as individuals. Use this quote
As an architect, I learned to think and express myself on flat forms, on paper, and to imagine the contour of the lines of a design. Use this quote
The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities. Use this quote
I like American history. Use this quote
I don't believe in a price on carbon, because the government is going to control it and they're going to fail. Use this quote
I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious. Use this quote
Life is very interesting... in the end, some of your greatest pains, become your greatest strengths. Use this quote
After a lifetime of working, raising families, and contributing to the success of this nation in countless other ways, senior citizens deserve to retire with dignity. Use this quote
Every year 3.1 million Indian children die before the age of 5, mostly from diseases of poverty like diarrhea. Use this quote
An act of goodness is of itself an act of happiness. No reward coming after the event can compare with the sweet reward that went with it. Use this quote
I love horror movies because they're really fun. They tap into those wonderful primal emotions. Use this quote
Giving every man a vote has no more made men wise and free than Christianity has made them good. Use this quote
When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece. Use this quote
When terrorists attacked the symbols of our national unity and strength, they failed to realize that they were just symbols of our strength. The real strength of our nation comes from our people - not our buildings. Use this quote