God's love is too great to be confined to any one side of a conflict or to any one religion. Use this quote
I have a fantastic wife, and not only in terms of external beauty. Her priority and mine is our children. That is our choice. Use this quote
The problem with allowing God a role in the history of life is not that science would cease, but rather that scientists would have to acknowledge the existence of something important which is outside the boundaries of natural science. Use this quote
Happiness is a wine of the rarest vintage, and seems insipid to a vulgar taste. Use this quote
I started listening to and playing other music in the '90s. It was after hearing other bands, like Bad Religion, cover Ramones songs that I started to like our songs again. Use this quote
Peace for us means the destruction of Israel. We are preparing for an all-out war, a war which will last for generations. Use this quote
Everybody loves success, but they hate successful people. Use this quote
Maybe humans are just the pet alligators that God flushed down the toilet. Use this quote
Not for nothing is their motto TGIF - 'Thank God It's Friday.' They live for the weekends, when they can go do what they really want to do. Use this quote
In a civilized society, all crimes are likely to be sins, but most sins are not and ought not to be treated as crimes. Man's ultimate responsibility is to God alone. Use this quote
Prayer is aligning ourselves with the purposes of God. Use this quote
A broad margin of leisure is as beautiful in a man's life as in a book. Haste makes waste, no less in life than in housekeeping. Keep the time, observe the hours of the universe, not of the cars. Use this quote
Anybody who finds it easy to make money on the horses is probably in the dog food business. Use this quote
You have to find the peace and patience within yourself to be a model and an example to others and not judge. Use this quote
An election is coming. Universal peace is declared, and the foxes have a sincere interest in prolonging the lives of the poultry. Use this quote
In the first place, God made idiots. That was for practice. Then he made school boards. Use this quote
Today the people from my State of Tennessee would listen to this debate, or even talk about a reference to God on our money or in the Halls of Congress or in our Pledge and say, please, let common sense and logic win the day and prevail versus legal mumbo jumbo. Use this quote
Be slow to fall into friendship; but when thou art in, continue firm and constant. Use this quote
To become a popular religion, it is only necessary for a superstition to enslave a philosophy. Use this quote
I just have faith. It's just there. It's not any big deal. Use this quote