So long as the system of competition in the production and exchange of the means of life goes on, the degradation of the arts will go on; and if that system is to last for ever, then art is doomed, and will surely die; that is to say, civilization will die. Use this quote
My company is in the business of content, delivering content, so whether you see it or taste it or hear it or smell it, that's what I do every day. Use this quote
Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants. Use this quote
Not only does travel give us a new system of reckoning, it also brings to the fore unknown aspects of our own self. Our consciousness being broadened and enriched, we shall judge ourselves more correctly. Use this quote
Computers are useless. They can only give you answers. Use this quote
I'm a damaged person, but I have hope and a will to not give up. Use this quote
Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world. Use this quote
The best thing to do with the best things in life is to give them up. Use this quote
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. Use this quote
To achieve lasting literature, fictional or factual, a writer needs perceptive vision, absorptive capacity, and creative strength. Use this quote
I don't want to have to say, Honey, you know, could you turn off the sports channel because I'm not a big sports fan, and I don't love the television being on just for the sake of turning on. I'd like turning on for some thing specific. Use this quote
Much may be done in those little shreds and patches of time which every day produces, and which most men throw away. Use this quote
When I wake up at 5 in the morning is it just to jog? Definitely not, I give it all of my efforts. Use this quote
In all my perplexities and distresses, the Bible has never failed to give me light and strength. Use this quote
Actually, we got signed in November of 2000 with Dreamworks which is the most amazing label. We have friends on other labels and though we are not selling millions of records, yet, they treat us with tons of respect and give us some very good guidance. Use this quote
Sampling is kind of prehistoric, given the technology and the textures you can create. Use this quote
So now I have a collection of poetry by Aaron Neville and I give it to people I want to share it with. I'd like to publish it someday. Use this quote
It is thus tolerance that is the source of peace, and intolerance that is the source of disorder and squabbling. Use this quote
War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them all they want. Use this quote
Lyrically I like to use themes that make the listener use his or her imagination, and to give a little of the lessons I've learned in my own life. Use this quote