The American people want peace. They have long since ceased to talk of a hard or a soft peace for Germany. Use this quote
Every day I've got to be thankful that I am alive, and you never know - the cliche is, I guess, you could get hit by a bus tomorrow, so you'd better be at peace with whatever you got going at the moment. Use this quote
Cherish your human connections: your relationships with friends and family. Use this quote
The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly. Use this quote
We never taste happiness in perfection, our most fortunate successes are mixed with sadness. Use this quote
Relationships are made of talk - and talk is for girls and women. Use this quote
Our duty is to encourage every one in his struggle to live up to his own highest idea, and strive at the same time to make the ideal as near as possible to the Truth. Use this quote
There is even a happiness - that makes the heart afraid. Use this quote
All those who offer an opinion on any doubtful point should first clear their minds of every sentiment of dislike, friendship, anger or pity. Use this quote
Women are made to be loved, not understood. Use this quote
I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace. Use this quote
You are capable of more than you know. Choose a goal that seems right for you and strive to be the best, however hard the path. Aim high. Behave honorably. Prepare to be alone at times, and to endure failure. Persist! The world needs all you can give. Use this quote
Marriage is not a noun; it's a verb. It isn't something you get. It's something you do. It's the way you love your partner every day. Use this quote
Happiness resides not in possessions, and not in gold, happiness dwells in the soul. Use this quote
Becoming a father, I think it inevitably changes your perspective of life. I don't get nearly enough sleep. And the simplest things in life are completely satisfying. I find you don't have to do as much, like you don't go on as many outings. Use this quote
I really enjoy being single again. I spent a lot of time in a relationship and the nearer we came to the end, the more difficult it got. You don't see things clearly as long as you're still involved. Use this quote
The life of a man who deliberately runs through his fortune often becomes a business speculation; his friends, his pleasures, patrons, and acquaintances are his capital. Use this quote
Do right. Do your best. Treat others as you want to be treated. Use this quote
Love is not consolation. It is light. Use this quote
An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. Use this quote