The true measure of the value of any business leader and manager is performance. Use this quote
But I think Steve's main contribution besides just the pure leadership is his passion for excellence. He's a perfectionist. Good enough isn't good enough. And also his creative spirit. You know he really, really wants to do something great. Use this quote
They call them terrorists, I call them freedom fighters. Use this quote
Nothing induces me to read a novel except when I have to make money by writing about it. I detest them. Use this quote
When you live in an alcoholic family or an abusive family, you tiptoe, you don't want to step on any mines. Use this quote
All men should strive to learn before they die, what they are running from, and to, and why. Use this quote
We didn't start this war - the right wing did. We're tired of seeing good-paying jobs shipped overseas. This fight is about the economy, it's about jobs and it's about rebuilding America. Use this quote
I hope my own children never have to fight a war. Use this quote
It often happens that when a person possesses a particular ability to an extraordinary degree, nature makes up for it by leaving him or her incompetent in every other department. Use this quote
In Fargo, they say, well, that's a job. How well do you get paid? For example, for this book I was written about in Entertainment Weekly, and it was kind of cool because my mom asked me if Entertainment Weekly was a magazine or a newspaper. Use this quote
Vice stirs up war, virtue fights. Use this quote
More than anything else, let me be clear - we need to be willing to fight for freedom, and free markets, and traditional moral values. That's what the American people want to see this movement and this party return to. Use this quote
We are twice armed if we fight with faith. Use this quote
I mean, the fight for a health care bill to cover all Americans and leave none behind is attacked as being a race appeal, which is not true, but then it's put out in the media as true. Use this quote
What is our freedom fight about? Is it about the liberation of children or just having sex with them? Use this quote
We've got to keep an eye on the battle that we face - a war on workers. And you see it everywhere. It is the Tea Party. And there's only one way to beat and win that war - the one thing about working people is, we like a good fight. Use this quote
Without question, the Red Ryder BB gun is the most important gun in the history of American weaponry. Use this quote
I fought for peace in the fifties. Use this quote
It's almost seems as though there's a battle going on between the public and all the fast-food establishments, and, believe me, I think it's very tasty food. Use this quote
If you have to fight a crowd of boys, it's best to go for the biggest one. That way you won't have to fight them all. The others will see that you mean business and you will win their respect. Use this quote