She got her looks from her father. He's a plastic surgeon. Use this quote
I am accusing him of stealing my best material, he was a very funny man. Use this quote
I grew up not liking my father very much. I never saw him cry. But he must have. Everybody cries. Use this quote
Love. Fall in love and stay in love. Write only what you love, and love what you write. The key word is love. You have to get up in the morning and write something you love, something to live for. Use this quote
The one phrase you can use is that success has a thousand fathers, and failure is an orphan. Use this quote
My father wasn't really involved and my mom is the light in my life. Use this quote
I inherited that calm from my father, who was a farmer. You sow, you wait for good or bad weather, you harvest, but working is something you always need to do. Use this quote
I once said to my father, when I was a boy, 'Dad we need a third political party.' He said to me, 'I'll settle for a second.' Use this quote
Old age has its pleasures, which, though different, are not less than the pleasures of youth. Use this quote
I was 37 when my father died-and I no longer had any freedom of choice over what I would do with the rest of my life. Use this quote
What does God the Father look like? Although I've never seen Him, I believe - as with the Holy Spirit - He looks like Jesus looked on earth. Use this quote
When I was growing up my mother would say, 'Your dad may have to learn about being a father because he lost his own and that would have affected him'. Use this quote
Children that are raised in a home with a married mother and father consistently do better in every measure of well-being than their peers who come from divorced or step-parent, single-parent, cohabiting homes. Use this quote
My father was always telling himself no one was perfect, not even my mother. Use this quote
I've always kind of had an interest in the drums but nothing else. The drums are the only thing I feel I would be good at, because I'm a very physical person. I've always played sports and stuff. Drums would give me something to do. Use this quote
My father wouldn't get us a TV, he wouldn't allow a TV in the house. Use this quote
I just want to have a great relationship with my child and have a great family dynamic. Use this quote
Each marriage has to be judged separately, and we never know what's going on in another person's marriage. Use this quote
I didn't read so much Japanese literature. Because my father was a teacher of Japanese literature, I just wanted to do something else. Use this quote
My father probably thought the capital of the world was wherever he was at the time. It couldn't possibly be anyplace else. Where he and his wife were in their own home, that, for them, was the capital of the world. Use this quote