There would not be enough talent that's educated, developed and ready to take on the next leadership challenge, and it would cap our growth. Now we've put programs in place not to have that happen, but that could be a weakness. Use this quote
The man who writes about himself and his own time is the only man who writes about all people and about all time. Use this quote
I think for the most part people are proud of the bicultural foundation New Zealand is built on and the fact that we are a multicultural society. Use this quote
Sabbath - a weekly festival having its origin in the fact that God made the world in six days and was arrested on the seventh. Use this quote
Not to mention the fact that of course terrorists hate freedom. I think they do hate. But believe me, I don't think they sit there abstractly hating freedom. Use this quote
Music is the soundtrack to the crappy movie that is my life. Use this quote
Never face facts; if you do you'll never get up in the morning. Use this quote
Men were not intended to work with the accuracy of tools, to be precise and perfect in all their actions. Use this quote
The government itself is running exactly like the Sopranos and they sit back and they make deals. And they say okay, 'I'm going do this: France, you're getting the pipelines.' Use this quote
I've had two terrific relationships, but both ended in marriage. Use this quote
No, my work does not reflect my sexual preferences, it reflects the fact that I feel total freedom as an artist. Use this quote
Men enter local politics solely as a result of being unhappily married. Use this quote
It is an unfortunate fact that we can secure peace only by preparing for war. Use this quote
In fact, it will be very easy to climb the building because of its shape and architecture. Use this quote
In the original draft I was 27 and Peter was 55 in the script. That's not the same as a guy in his 40s and a dad in the end of his 70s. It's a different point in both our lives. Use this quote
Books are the legacies that a great genius leaves to mankind, which are delivered down from generation to generation as presents to the posterity of those who are yet unborn. Use this quote
I just love movies, so suddenly, you're political about movies, and that's dark. It's just not fun when something you love becomes calculated. Use this quote
I allow a lot of room for improvisation and funny stuff. I always feel planned. Use this quote
This is one of those cases in which the imagination is baffled by the facts. Use this quote
In requiring this candor and simplicity of mind in those who would investigate the truth of our religion, Christianity demands nothing more than is readily conceded to every branch of human science. Use this quote