We're an air bag society that wants guarantees on everything that we buy. We want to be able to take everything back and get another one. We want a 401-k plan and Social Security. Use this quote
If winning isn't everything, why do they keep score? Use this quote
When I left Europe in 1987 I did so with the thought that my relevance as a composition teacher would benefit from a certain cool distance to certain tendencies I had been observing for several years with increasing disquiet. Use this quote
When I chased after money, I never had enough. When I got my life on purpose and focused on giving of myself and everything that arrived into my life, then I was prosperous. Use this quote
Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of. Use this quote
For a Catholic kid in parochial school, the only way to survive the beatings - by classmates, not the nuns - was to be the funny guy. Use this quote
Most of us have far more courage than we ever dreamed we possessed. Use this quote
I haven't, in the 23 years that I have been in the uniformed services of the United States of America, ever violated an order - not one. Use this quote
We always live in an uncertain world. What is certain is that the United States will go forward over time. Use this quote
'Macbeth' was the first play I ever read. In fact, I remember my brother Tom, who is six years older than me, coming home from school and telling me about it. He was the one that really got me going. Use this quote
Who ever hears of fat men heading a riot, or herding together in turbulent mobs? No - no, your lean, hungry men who are continually worrying society, and setting the whole community by the ears. Use this quote
One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn' t pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself. Use this quote
If you're a woman and a guy's ever said anything romantic to you, he just left off the second part that would have made you sick if you could have heard it. Use this quote
You don't cheat anybody out of their experience, whatever it is. Use this quote
If everybody in this town connected with politics had to leave town because of chasing women and drinking, you would have no government. Use this quote
Australia is a huge rest home, where no unwelcome news is ever wafted on to the pages of the worst newspapers in the world. Use this quote
We had two rules growing up in my house: If you're going to take a shower, do it with whomever you're dating so you don't waste water; and if you buy one for yourself, buy six, because everybody's going to want one. Use this quote
Speak when you are angry - and you'll make the best speech you'll ever regret. Use this quote
The most I ever spent on technology is building a studio - I built one at home in Los Angeles. I can't tell you how much exactly, but the whole process is very expensive. Use this quote
My mom said, 'Don't get married. You're too young. Go out there and experience what life has to offer.' And I did. Use this quote