Light and funny has a more compelling quality when you're younger. But I haven't abandoned the genre: I love falling down; I love Lucille Ball. It's just that a lot of those stories revolve around problems that I can't convincingly portray at this age. Use this quote
It is an interesting fact that during my tour I was never allowed access to computers, radios, or anything else that I might damage through curiosity, or perhaps something more sinister. Use this quote
You begin saving the world by saving one man at a time; all else is grandiose romanticism or politics. Use this quote
Technology is us. There is no separation. It's a pure expression of human creative will. It doesn't exist anywhere else in the universe. I'm rather sure of that. Use this quote
It's amazing how much trouble you can get in when you don't have anything else to do. Use this quote
I've learned to have a sense of humor about myself. Lord knows everyone else does! Use this quote
In my solitude I have pondered much on the incomprehensible subjects of space, eternity, life and death. Use this quote
No one can avoid aging, but aging productively is something else. Use this quote
You'd think I'd have been happiest in my life playing music in front of 50,000 people at Gillette Stadium. But let me tell you, it's an odd feeling to feel alone in the spotlight. Use this quote
More than anything else, I want the folks back at home to think right of me. Use this quote
If we did not look to marriage as the principal source of happiness, fewer marriages would end in tears. Use this quote
According to its doctors, my one intransigent desire is to have been a Confederate general, and because I could not or would not become anything else, I set up for poet and beg an to invent fictions about the personal ambitions that my society has no use for. Use this quote
But 85 percent of the mosques have extremist leadership in this country. Most Muslims, the overwhelming majority of Muslims, are loyal Americans. Use this quote
I was away a lot on 'Countdown' when the children were young and I couldn't have done it without Mum's help. Because she was at home running all of that, I never had to worry about them. Use this quote
Thinking good thoughts is not enough, doing good deeds is not enough, seeing others follow your good examples is enough. Use this quote
Woman must have her freedom, the fundamental freedom of choosing whether or not she will be a mother and how many children she will have. Regardless of what man's attitude may be, that problem is hers - and before it can be his, it is hers alone. Use this quote
I was very much into science when I was young - I wanted to be a marine biologist, then I wanted to be a doctor, and then something else, I was always changing. Use this quote
Society prizes a girl for being thin more than anything else she might bring to the table. Use this quote
Any son of a dictator, I'm sure, has major issues with their relationship with their father. Use this quote
How do you live with evil? Art is traditionally - certainly with my secular background - the answer, but art is very self-referential, whereas religion claims to go beyond the bounds of human existence. Use this quote