Life is suffering. Life is not resistance to suffering. The point of life is to suffer. This is why we're here: We're here to suffer. I believe in a higher power that compassionately allows suffering for us as a race, to grow and mature. Use this quote
I just trust people and they sense everything's gonna be alright. Use this quote
That's the difference between golf and many other sports. You go to some other sporting events, they just leave you or give you the cold shoulder and move on. Use this quote
I do not see how a man can work on the frontiers of physics and write poetry at the same time. They are in opposition. Use this quote
The desire to hit a big home run is dominating the music business. Use this quote
My mom's a Catholic, and my dad's a Jew, and they didn't want anything to do with anything. Use this quote
Once boys' and men's challenges are clear, the question 'why now' quickly becomes 'why didn't we see this sooner?' The answer? Virtually every society that survived did so by socializing its sons to be disposable. Use this quote
I'm still very professional about my fitness. I stay in trim as I always did. Use this quote
The study also included the disturbing revelation that most of the troops who reported having mental health problems also reported that they did not seek or did not receive care for their problems. Use this quote
The person interested in success has to learn to view failure as a healthy, inevitable part of the process of getting to the top. Use this quote
I thought the divorce statistics would never apply to me. I was beyond heartbroken when they did. But I got up and got on with it. I also kept my belief in marriage. Use this quote
The problem is, women have stopped setting the bar high. Use this quote
I have noticed that nothing I never said ever did me any harm. Use this quote
I loved to read, and I think any child who loves to read will read anything, including the back of the cereal box, which I did every morning. Use this quote
I remember the evacuee children from towns and cities throwing stones at the farm animals. When we explained that if you did that you wouldn't have any milk, meat or eggs, they soon learned to respect the animals. Use this quote
God did not intend the human family to be wafted to heaven on flowery beds of ease. Use this quote
Publishing the lyric books, poetry or comics of other musicians I know. That's the thing I really want to break into! Use this quote
I'm world famous, everywhere I go there are people who love me because of I've been able to bring them some joy from the movies I've made. Use this quote
It's a good thing we don't get all the government we pay for. Use this quote
If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him. Use this quote