Daddy loves you, but he smacks you, and he can shout at you and smash things, but Daddy still loves you. So when you get into a relationship with someone who does all of that, why would it be unusual? Use this quote
You'd think I'd have been happiest in my life playing music in front of 50,000 people at Gillette Stadium. But let me tell you, it's an odd feeling to feel alone in the spotlight. Use this quote
The desire to hit a big home run is dominating the music business. Use this quote
I was always shocked when I went to the doctor's office and they did my X-ray and didn't find that I had eight more ribs than I should have or that my blood was the color green. Use this quote
I went whole hog at the actor's lifestyle - really embraced it. I had by then known how much I loved acting already, because I discovered acting from a teacher in the seminary - that's the first place I ever did it, in the seminary. Use this quote
Pell Grants are, and have been, critically important tools in making higher education a possibility for lower- and middle-income students. Use this quote
If an election is simply a one-day snapshot of transient mass delusions, then this is not a very noble form of government. Use this quote
What I was proud of was that I used very few parts to build a computer that could actually speak words on a screen and type words on a keyboard and run a programming language that could play games. And I did all this myself. Use this quote
First of all, Saddam did not win the war, even though he says he did, I mean, you know, that's a joke and everybody in the world knows it. Use this quote
When the audience leaves, I'd like them to feel positive when they go. Use this quote
Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow. Use this quote
Success in life comes not from holding a good hand, but in playing a poor hand well. Use this quote
I want to do as little as possible when I finish playing ball - just spend a lot more time with my family. Use this quote
To the mind, God is a perfect criminal. He has done such a perfect crime by creating this world that mind cannot trace how He did it. That is why the mind always freaks out about God. Use this quote
My music appeals in America. There is less of the purist criticism I get here. And to be a hit in the U.S... what singer doesn't have that dream? Use this quote
Not only did I avoid speaking of Salinger; I resisted thinking about him. I did not reread his letters to me. The experience had been too painful. Use this quote
I practice and work hard at my music, but I'm not saving lives here. Use this quote
I love country music. Use this quote
The whole action of the laws tended to increase the number of consumers of food and to diminish the number of producers, was due the invention of the Malthusian theory of population. Use this quote
Man is wise and constantly in quest of more wisdom; but the ultimate wisdom, which deals with beginnings, remains locked in a seed. There it lies, the simplest fact of the universe and at the same time the one which calls forth faith rather than reason. Use this quote