I don't like being recognised, I have no interest in being famous at all, I just do what I do. If I could be like Captain Kirk and beam myself up and then beam myself down, I would! Use this quote
These days, most nature photographers are deeply committed to the environmental message. Use this quote
Saudi Arabia operates according to the belief that God made young men and women so utterly and completely without self-control that they must be physically segregated every moment of the day and night. Use this quote
Believe it or not, lots of people change their majors and abandon their dreams just to avoid a couple of math classes in college. Use this quote
I don't personally try to balance my work because I operate under the assumption that anyone reading or watching my stuff isn't having a particularly balanced day anyway. But negative attitudes just amuse me more than positive ones. Use this quote
Like everyone else who makes the mistake of getting older, I begin each day with coffee and obituaries. Use this quote
So I went to English school, secondary English school, so forget going to Mecca for my religious education. Use this quote
This life is a hospital in which every patient is possessed with a desire to change his bed. Use this quote
We asserted ourselves as a music community, and showed legislators that music is positive. Especially if you've sold 300 million records worldwide and pay taxes. Use this quote
To awake from death is to die in peace. Use this quote
Purring would seem to be, in her case, an automatic safety valve device for dealing with happiness overflow. Use this quote
Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. Use this quote
Yesterday I was a dog. Today I'm a dog. Tomorrow I'll probably still be a dog. Sigh! There's so little hope for advancement. Use this quote
The democracy process provides for political and social change without violence. Use this quote
There is a major ingredient missing from our perception of how changes are brought about; that ingredient is power. Use this quote
I still believe that if your aim is to change the world, journalism is a more immediate short-term weapon. Use this quote
There's only a handful of people I trust completely, and I know who they are. Other than that, I pretty much don't trust people. Use this quote
I feel a lot healthier when I'm having sex. Physically. I feel all these jitters when I wake up in the morning. Just energy jitters. I take vitamins, I work out every day. When I'm having sex, I don't have that. Use this quote
There is a direct line relationship between what happened in Afghanistan in the work up to 11 September 2001 and what we're doing in Afghanistan today. Use this quote
I worked night and day for twelve years to prevent the war, but I could not. The North was mad and blind, would not let us govern ourselves, and so the war came. Use this quote