Good dreams don't come cheap, you've got to pay for them and If you just dream when you're asleep this is no way for them to come alive... to survive. Use this quote
All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Berlin. And therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words "Ich bin ein Berliner!" Use this quote
Morning comes whether you set the alarm or not. Use this quote
The race of mankind would perish did they cease to aid each other. We cannot exist without mutual help. All therefore that need aid have a right to ask it from their fellow-men; and no one who has the power of granting can refuse it without guilt. Use this quote
I couldn't wait for the sun to come up the next morning so that I could get out on the course again. Use this quote
I would go out with women my age, but there are no women my age. Use this quote
The world has become more complex as technology and easy travel mixes cultures without homogenizing them. Use this quote
I go off and make movies; I come home, and I'm a dad and I hang with my girls. Use this quote
I'm a scientist, not a theologian. I don't know if there is a God or not. Religion requires certainty. Use this quote
Somewhere near you, somebody right now is trying to help the indigent and poor - providing food, shelter, clothing or simple kindness. Use this quote
I noticed that no matter where I went in the country, there was this group of questions that got asked. I would track them and keep them in categories. Like body image, school, family, friendship, you name it, the emotional life of a teenage girl. Use this quote
Doing all we can to combat climate change comes with numerous benefits, from reducing pollution and associated health care costs to strengthening and diversifying the economy by shifting to renewable energy, among other measures. Use this quote
When you come off something really disappointing, you want to come back and kind of regroup and get involved in something positive right away. Use this quote
A painter paints his pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. We provide the music, and you provide the silence. Use this quote
When the world is so complicated, the simple gift of friendship is within all of our hands. Use this quote
There is a great deal of pain in life and perhaps the only pain that can be avoided is the pain that comes from trying to avoid pain. Use this quote
The fire in the belly is essential, otherwise you become Michael Buble - famous and meaningless. Use this quote
You have to wait for a big star to come in and generate interest on a project, and now that has become me, which is an amazing blessing. Use this quote
I'm not saying I look cool, but every single time I go onstage, it is a fail if I don't feel like I'm going to pass out at least twice. Use this quote
If you're going to tell people the truth, be funny or they'll kill you. Use this quote