I don't think success is harmful, as so many people say. Rather, I believe it indispensable to talent, if for nothing else than to increase the talent. Use this quote
Happiness... consists in giving, and in serving others. Use this quote
We become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. Different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, different dreams. Use this quote
When you come in to court as a plaintiff or as a defendant, it is terribly important that you look up at the bench and feel that that person represents you and will understand you, that that person is reflective of our community and of our society. Use this quote
We experience problem-solving sessions as war zones, we view competing ideas as enemies, and we use problems as weapons to blame and defeat opposition forces. No wonder we can't come up with real lasting solutions! Use this quote
I don't like this idea of Method. I come from that school, but what I was taught was that it's your imagination. You do your homework, and you use your imagination. Use this quote
Since I have come to America, I am often asked whether my next novel will be set in America. I don't think it will. I think I will be living in America for some time to come, but while living in America, I would like to write about Japanese society from the outside. Use this quote
Martyrdom is the only way a man can become famous without ability. Use this quote
When people come out of rehab, they usually go to secondary rehab for another six months and then enter back into society gradually. But I came out and did Top Of The Pops straight away! Use this quote
A sense is what has the power of receiving into itself the sensible forms of things without the matter, in the way in which a piece of wax takes on the impress of a signet-ring without the iron or gold. Use this quote
If greater openness is a key to economic success, I believe there is increasingly a need for openness in the political sphere as well. Use this quote
From now until the end of time no one else will ever see life with my eyes, and I mean to make the best of my chance. Use this quote
I think the reason people are dealing with science less well now than 50 years ago is that it has become so complicated. Use this quote
Give the people not hell, but hope and courage. Use this quote
Happiness does not come from doing easy work but from the afterglow of satisfaction that comes after the achievement of a difficult task that demanded our best. Use this quote
The superior man makes the difficulty to be overcome his first interest; success only comes later. Use this quote
Like me, the great majority of Americans wish both to preserve the traditional definition of marriage and to oppose bias and intolerance directed towards gays and lesbians. Use this quote
First I would probably place men at the bottom of the food chain. On a grander scale, I would say they're reacting to change. Feminism has got to be part of that. Use this quote
Building a little bonfire at night on the beach and lying on a blanket with my wife under the stars is not only sexy, it's romantic. Use this quote
Feminism is a word that I identify with. The term has become synonymous with vitriolic man-hating but it needs to come back to a place where both men and women can embrace it. It is particularly important for women in developing countries. Use this quote