I loved the last album, and it was one hundred percent me. But this is like me two years later, who understands a little bit more about music and understands a little bit more about making an album. I wrote a lot more. Use this quote
So when I was 24, someone suggested to me that I was bipolar, and I thought that was ridiculous. I just thought he was trying to get out of treating me. But he was also responding to the chaotic nature of my life. Use this quote
I don't know why they're doing it. I have to assume that their motives are positive, not negative. But they don't understand the severity of the problem in this state. Use this quote
Being a CEO still means sitting across the table from big institutional investors and showing your leadership and having them believe in you. Use this quote
We believe it wrong ever to take a dollar from a free citizen without a very necessary public purpose, because each such taking diminishes the freedom to spend that dollar as its owner would prefer. Use this quote
We are expected to believe that anyone who objects to the Department of Homeland Security or the USA Patriot Act is a terrorist, and that the only way to preserve our freedom is to hand it over to the government for safekeeping. Use this quote
I also believe that government has no business telling us how we should live our lives. I think our lifestyle choices should be left up to us. What we do in our private lives is none of the government's business. That position rules out the Republican Party for me. Use this quote
My relationship and the bond with the people in Montreal was kind of special and doesn't happen very often. Use this quote
You know, I believe that technology is the great leveler. Technology permits anybody to play. And in some ways, I think technology - it's not only a great tool for democratization, but it's a great tool for eliminating prejudice and advancing meritocracies. Use this quote
I have a theory and I really believe it. I think your worst weakness can become your greatest single strength. Use this quote
I am convinced we shall succeed. I have faith in this country, because I have faith in its people. Use this quote
As for leadership, I am the kind who leads reluctantly and more by example than anything else. Someone had to be on the incorporation papers as president. Use this quote
I don't believe medical discoveries are doing much to advance human life. As fast as we create ways to extend it we are inventing ways to shorten it. Use this quote
The more money an American accumulates, the less interesting he becomes. Use this quote
I love California, I practically grew up in Phoenix. Use this quote
We must believe in luck. For how else can we explain the success of those we don't like? Use this quote
It won't take 40 years for opposition to same-sex marriage to dissipate. Use this quote
Beautiful Evidence is about the theory and practice of analytical design. Use this quote
Democrats believe we must have comprehensive health care reform that includes giving the federal government authority to negotiate lower prices with drug companies. Use this quote
An Independent is someone who wants to take the politics out of politics. Use this quote