And New York is the most beautiful city in the world? It is not far from it. No urban night is like the night there... Squares after squares of flame, set up and cut into the aether. Here is our poetry, for we have pulled down the stars to our will. Use this quote
Most sets of values would give rise to universes that, although they might be very beautiful, would contain no one able to wonder at that beauty. Use this quote
All music is beautiful. Use this quote
When I am working on a problem, I never think about beauty but when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong. Use this quote
I find a lot of inspiration in street style and watching women walk, the way they wear things and what they're wearing. Use this quote
Women are so much in love with compliments that rather than want them, they will compliment one another, yet mean no more by it than the men do. Use this quote
For me beauty is valued more than anything - the beauty that is manifest in a curved line or in an act of creativity. Use this quote
I do not know that any writer has supposed that on this earth man will ultimately be able to live without food. Use this quote
I would make my mom buy me the toy doctor kit. Use this quote
There's one more thing I want to say. It's a touchy subject. Black beauty. Black sensuality. We live in a culture where the beauty of black people isn't always as celebrated as other types. I'd like to help change that if I can! Use this quote
Ours is an excessively conscious age. We know so much, we feel so little. Use this quote
There is always inequality in life. Some men are killed in a war and some men are wounded and some men never leave the country. Life is unfair. Use this quote
Beauty is the lover's gift. Use this quote
The left sees nothing but bigotry and superstition in the popular defense of the family or in popular attitudes regarding abortion, crime, busing, and the school curriculum. Use this quote
I say: If you don't know how to cook, I'm sure you have at least one friend who knows how to cook. Well, call that friend and say, 'Can I come next time and can I bring some food and can I come an hour or two hours ahead and watch you and help you?' Use this quote
I am and always will be a sinner. But that's the beautiful thing about Jesus. I'll always try to be a better person in the eyes of God. But I'm not all of a sudden stepping up on a pedestal and saying I'm holier than thou, 'cause I'm not! Use this quote
It is best to avoid the beginnings of evil. Use this quote
I began my career with infantile dreams of becoming a composer. Use this quote
You don't know what the Chinese expect in the way of beauty. The presentation is just a farce. You come into a room filled with 50 people and they don't talk to you. There's very little interaction. Use this quote
Every year we celebrate the holy season of Advent, O God. Every year we pray those beautiful prayers of longing and waiting, and sing those lovely songs of hope and promise. Use this quote