David Hume (25 August 1776) was a Scottish philosopher, historian, economist, and essayist known especially for his philosophical empiricism and skepticism.
A man acquainted with history may, in some respect, be said to have lived from the beginning of the world, and to have been making continual additions to his stock of knowledge in every century. Use this quote
The advantages found in history seem to be of three kinds, as it amuses the fancy, as it improves the understanding, and as it strengthens virtue. Use this quote
Men often act knowingly against their interest. Use this quote
The heights of popularity and patriotism are still the beaten road to power and tyranny. Use this quote
Philosophy would render us entirely Pyrrhonian, were not nature too strong for it. Use this quote
Human Nature is the only science of man; and yet has been hitherto the most neglected. Use this quote
There is a very remarkable inclination in human nature to bestow on external objects the same emotions which it observes in itself, and to find every where those ideas which are most present to it. Use this quote
Generally speaking, the errors in religion are dangerous; those in philosophy only ridiculous. Use this quote
The Christian religion not only was at first attended with miracles, but even at this day cannot be believed by any reasonable person without one. Use this quote
The law always limits every power it gives. Use this quote