Beverly Cleary (born April 12, 1916) is an American writer of more than 30 books for young adults and children.
I don't necessarily start with the beginning of the book. I just start with the part of the story that's most vivid in my imagination and work forward and backward from there. Use this quote
I didn't start out writing to give children hope, but I'm glad some of them found it. Use this quote
I write in longhand on yellow legal pads. Use this quote
I don't think children's inner feelings have changed. They still want a mother and father in the very same house; they want places to play. Use this quote
When I was in the first grade I was afraid of the teacher and had a miserable time in the reading circle, a difficulty that was overcome by the loving patience of my second grade teacher. Even though I could read, I refused to do so. Use this quote
In my grammar school years back in the 1920s I used my ten-cents-a-week allowance for Saturday matinees of Douglas Fairbanks movies. All that swashbuckling and leaping about in the midst of the sails of ships! Use this quote